
Gill Farr Dip ASK, BA, MBA
Professional Qualifications
I am a Diplomate in Systematic Kinesiology and I have been a professional member of the Association of Systematic Kinesiology since 2004.
I have studied and gained competency in other areas of complementary health such as functional biochemistry, epigenetics, energy healing and psychological and emotional remedies which I incorporate into my sessions.
I continually attend seminars and conferences on up to the minute aspects of alternative and complementary health and use this knowledge to enhance my sessions.
Before studying as an alternative health professional, I studied French at Birmingham University and gained a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree. Following university, I pursued a career in the computing and business world where I achieved a Masters in Business Administration (MBA).
Personal Beliefs
I became passionate about kinesiology when I experienced the elimination of my chronic backache and neckache that I had suffered for many years. The kinesiology sessions also led to a complete turnaround in my overall health, including my digestion and hormonal system, making me the most healthy now that I have ever felt in my life.
Gill spends much of her time researching health issues and remedies and teaches other practitioners through seminars and workshops.
Subsequently, the excellent feedback that I have received from my clients has reinforced my faith in kinesiology and has spurred me on in my desire to help clients feel healthy and well.
Given my experience with clients, family and myself I firmly believe that Kinesiology is the way forward in health care.